Global FastBiz Sdn Bhd is a wholesaler, supplier, distributor of traditional and modern herbs registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) with registration number 1210756-T.
The company offers online purchasing services to help customers deal faster.

Our service:
- Provides raw materials for traditional and modern herbal products.
- Get fresh or dried herbs as desired.
- Provides a herbal blend of herbal herbs that has proven to be effective.
- Provides herbal mixing services by percentage (%) or as requested.
- Provides herbal drying services through ovens or solar chambers.
- The service turns herbs into tea or powder.
- Services for making herbal teas such as stick, fatimip, believers flowers and so on.
- Managing service extracts according to the desired ratio.
- Manages service of inserting herbs or extracts into capsules
- Manages the service of making tablets or pills
- Manages herbal certification certificate (COA).
Our job is also to market traditional heritage products that have been modernized to make it easier for shoppers or wholesalers.

All herbs and herbs we found were analyzed and made sure they were safe.

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